UK Co-living
Our most recent vehicle, in partnership with The Collective, the leading global co-living platform, launched in October 2019. It is the world’s first institutional large-scale co-living fund. The new fund – COLIV – will target gross asset value of £1 billion over the ten-year life of the fund.
The fund offers an innovative solution towards addressing London’s housing shortage by increasing the supply of an alternative and much in-demand housing typology.
The fund will seek to provide investors with an attractive core-plus return, by building a portfolio of best-in-class large-scale co-living assets in Greater London over a four-year investment period. In addition to investing in operating assets, COLIV will also forward-fund developments which will be acquired with pre-agreed occupancy targets to provide stabilised cash flow to meet the fund’s income requirements.
For more information please visit: www.colivfund.com or speak to Chris Saunders, DTZ Investors UK.
French logistics
Launched in September 2017 in partnership with Pitch Promotion, a leading developer of logistics assets in France, FLF ONE is a specialist development fund. The fund aims to capitalise on the strategic shifts in the European logistics sector by exploiting the structural demand/supply imbalances in the French logistics markets and aims to deliver value-add returns from taking core-plus risk.
The fund aims to create a portfolio of 8-10 high grade, large scale, well-located and institutional quality logistics warehouses let to high quality tenant covenants with a single country investment focus. Target sites are at key distribution hubs primarily along France’s North-South logistics corridor (the “Dorsale”).
There has been limited speculative development in European logistics markets over the past decade and so new construction has been very much focused on delivering design and build / turnkey facilities for traditional end users. FLF ONE will take advantage of the trend for purpose-built provision of logistics assets, where growing e-commerce patterns in particular require larger platforms to facilitate business need.
Our approach is to secure land, negotiate town-planning consents, market for pre-lets, build-to-suit, and harvest income. The fund has a minimum seven-year life.
For more information please contact: Gregory Flash, DTZ Investors Reim
European fund of funds
The Aurora Fund was launched in March 2007 to invest into a diversified portfolio of indirect real estate funds targeting value added strategies in core and emerging European markets. Approximately €100m of client equity was committed to best-in-class strategies across Europe, including: emerging markets retail; western Europe industrial and logistics; German residential; capital city repositioning; value-add Nordics. At its peak, the fund provided investors with indirect exposure to €8 billion of pan-European real estate. The fund had a ten-year life and entered wind-down in 2018.
For more information please contact: Martin Gilbert, DTZ Investors UK